The Civil Wars in Norway 1130-1240
The infant King Håkon is carried to safety by two Birkebeiners escaping across the mountains from pursuing Bagler forces.
Historical background
Around the year 1000, Norway was firmly established as a separate Kingdom, ruled by one- and at times two or more - King(s).
In practice though, the Kingdom was a collection of more or less autonomous smaller regions/earldoms/areas that showed loyalty to the King based on what benefits and protection they could get from the King. The King ruled the kingdom by travelling around between different Royal Farms together with his bodyguard - the Hird.
There were several strong clans in Norway tat at times claimed the throne, alone, or in alliance with each other or outside forces like Denmark or Sweden.
Harald Hårfagre (Harald Fair Hair) fair hair and his clan had their base in the western parts of Norway, in Rogaland and Hordaland. Smaller chiefdoms existed in Sogn and Møre.
In Trøndelag (the area surrounding the city of Nidaros/Trondheim), the mighty Lade jarls (Earls of Lade) had their base, from which they sought to dominate the Norwegian coast. They also at times controlled and at times fought against the rebellious chiefs of Hålogaland to the north.
In the area around Viken (Oslo fjord), several strong clans had their base. On the western side, around Borre and Brunlanes, Olav Haraldsson (St.Olav) and his decedents, had their base. Small chiefdoms existed in Grenland and Agder as well as inland in Telemark. On the eastern side of the Oslo fjord, around Jeløya and Sarpsborg and Tune, the earls of Vingulmork had their base in rich agricultural land. Just to the south was Ranrike, which was an area fiercely contested by the various clans of the Swedes (Svearne, Skaner, Göter etc).
In the valleys of central Norway - Lærdal, Valdres, Gudbrandsdal, Hallingdal, Østerdal and Romsdal, fiercely independent clans lived in isolated settlements, often attacking travellers and at times acting as mercenaries for the various royal pretenders.
To complicate matters even further, Viken was at times under Danish rule, and kings and clans from Denmark and Sweden were at times also involved in the civil wars, supporting one side or another.
In 1130,upon the death of King Sigurd, open hostilities erupted between supporters of his son Magnus, and an Earl called Harald Gille, who claimed he was the rightful heir to the Norwegian throne. Various pretenders, clans and regions fought intermittent wars between 1130 and 1240, interspersed with more quiet periods where all sides rebuilt their strength and consolidated their gains, whilst planning their revenge on their enemies.
The Game
ULFHEDNAR: The Norwegian Civil Wars 1130-1240 is an low to medium complexity simulation of this period in Norwegian history. The game is based on the original KINGMAKER system from AH, but with some updates and innovations to make it appropriate for the period and area it portrays.
Planned release: Early 2026